Infinity AD & PR Agency

Be an infinite player with Infinity

Be an infinite player
"Infinite-minded leaders understand that “best” is not a permanent state. Instead, they strive to be “better.” “Better” suggests a journey of constant improvement and makes us feel like we are being invited to contribute our talents and energies to make progress in that journey." - Simon Sinek, The Infinite Game

We offer unique and targeted media & advertising concepts to brands that want to stand out in an infinite galaxy of corporations and names.

About our company

We are a Greece-based advertising agency, providing our marketing & media expertise to companies, who with us strive to be better can become infinite players. We are constantly looking forwards to working with clients to create advertising campaigns and promotional content, always following an infinite thinking process.

While the media space keeps evolving and expanding, brands struggle to keep up with the pace of change - possibly leading them to become slow and out of date in their communication & media presentation

This is why we built a new kind of advertising agency, with a team of young infinite players that challenge and provide insight on the current world and trends of media advertising.
An Infinite Story

When the Infinity Agency joined forces back in 2022 as part of ADandPRLab at Panteion University, it was simply a mere common interest between five twenty-something year old undergraduate students. Combining our knowledge and shared background in communication, our team united to create Infinity, crafting media and specifically advertising & promotional content, following an infinite thinking mindset.

Our inspiration for our name and the general way we approach things lies within the words of the award winning author and speaker, Simon Sinek, from his iconic book "The Infinite Game", from which the quote on top of our site comes from. We believe in an infinite process of improvement and development, focusing on a journey of "becoming better" and not just "being the best". As such, we strive for all our clients to become "infinite players" with our help - even our tagline includes the “infinite game” mindset; “be an infinite player”.

Simply, we listen to your ideas on advertising your brand - product - campaign, and perfect it, making sure it represents you and makes your brand stand out while matching the existing climate. Every brand, including us, is in a constanty infinite journey, trying to reach for the stars and become better - and we would like you to be a part of that.

As such, Infinity hasn’t worked just as an advertising agency; our team has played different roles and carried out a variety of projects in the short time of our existence, facing the challenges and learning outcomes that came from each venture - in the hope to be better and gain an experience from a plethora of media actions, that we can of course apply in our work later on.

Infinity remains a student-led agency in between a large and constantly expanding field of media and advertising, especially concerning online and digital spaces. Our team has faced many challenges, that we revealed during the showcase of our current portfolio, and we have much more to learn if we want to become a full-fledged advertising & PR agency. But we are of the opinion that the variety of projects we have undertaken, our willingness to try new things — without perfection being a given — and our self-awareness, are immensely important to developing and progressing as students, as an agency, and of course, as infinite players.

What We Do
An infinite communication strategy
  • We wander into new media ventures, craft innovative advertising plans, and launch complete campaigns and creative media activities
  • Starting from brand insights, to marketing research, to concept creation, to production & final real-world implementation
  • Our Gen Z perspective allows us to recognise what creative media & advertising ideas currently attract the younger generation
In detail...
We offer a wide range of digital services. Take a look at what your company might need.
Marketing & Ad Campaigns
We strategically develop and produce engaging campaigns that meet our client’s goals and expectations, characterized by our own unique infinite flair, usually across many advertising media platforms. From brainstorming, to research, planning, crafting and finally taking off, we work with the mindset of making your brand distinct- and an infinite player in the media space.

Content Creation
We create creative, engaging content for promotions and ad campaigns on:
  • TV
  • WEB
Social Media Management & Curation

We produce and curate social media activations and ads usually as part of a larger digital marketing strategy (apps, blogs, website content, influencers and more) - to make your promotional plans stand out amongst a galaxy of brands and content.

Personal Relations (PR)
We help you build and manage a strategic & creative communication process between you, other businesses, and the public. We focus on creating and/or maintaining a positive and admirable brand reputation for your brand through campaigns and other media activations, to build up a reputable name in the industry and a favorable view that draws in your target group.

The Infiniteam
Get to know our infinite players
  • Nefeli Lazaridi
  • Maria (Mary) Spyropoulou
  • Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos
  • Anna-Danai Tsakalidou
Follow us on social media

This website is part of the ADandPRLAB student project at the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture of Panteion University.

All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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